What I Loved Last Weekend 11.20.17

What better way to start off Monday than with a reflection of the stuff you loved over the weekend?  Each week, check in for a list of weird and wonderful things that I watched/read/did/ate. Please leave suggestions for next weekend in the comments below!

Set the Scene:  Last weekend was a little bit social, but also a little bit reclusive.  Exactly the way I like it.  Think movies with the hubs, scream-singing Kesha in a karaoke room, and rolling rocks on your face.

(I need to, in the moment, remember to actually photograph my shit, y'all.  I'm going to work on it, promise.  I've been big into Instagram stories lately, so follow me @mrs.alliebecker for a more visual representation of this stuff.)

1. GT’s Strawberry Serenity Kombucha: I’m full-blown obsessed with the booch. I’ve come to terms with this.  What is tougher for me to do is to stray from my favorite flavors (I have quite the back catalogue of current favorites).  I’m so glad I deviated and tried Strawberry Serenity.  I was trying to explain the flavor profile to my sister, and the best comparison I had was “red pop.” If you are from the Midwest, perhaps you understand that as well.  This was 100% like a dessert kombucha offering, aka right in my wheelhouse.  

2. The Counter: If you are a California person, and you love food, I feel like you must have visited The Counter at some point.  Rand man and I did date night/date afternoon (dinner at 5pm, feeding our elderly tendencies) there yet again, and I was SO happy to see that they’ve partnered with Impossible burger.  Check them out here.  While I’m not yet a vegetarian/vegan (though I feel it may only be a matter of time), I search out ways to improve my diet while simultaneously maybe not killing animals to eat in the process.  Or at least raising them humanely.  That’s become a big thing for me.  (Ask Randy.  Last time we went to Outback Steakhouse, I started sobbing because I knew the cows were raised terribly, and I couldn’t eat.  It’s becoming a thing.  I’m grateful for it, don’t get me wrong.  It can just weird some people out). Anyways, The Counter has great meat-free options, and I think that their pretzel bun can do no wrong.  #pretzelbreadforlife

3. Jade Rolling with a Sheet Mask: I know I haven’t even talked about my jade roller yet, and here I am throwing the sheet mask into the equation. I’ll do a whole post on jade rolling (I love it), but I discovered yesterday that if you put on a sheet mask, grab your jade roller from the freezer, then do your jade rolling? DAMN. It’s the best.  These are the sheet masks I’m working through right now (I ordered two packs on amazon), and here’s a video of jade rolling to fill you in a little bit.  I’ll definitely post my own information regarding this phenomenon as well.  

4. Embroidered Over-the-Knee Boots: Weakest excuse in the book: “I’m going to T.J. Maxx to get a birthday card.”  WHAT. No, you aren’t, Allie.  Sure, they have cute cards, and yes, they are usually pretty cheap, but if you are going to T.J. Maxx, you are going to spend $100+ on things you didn’t even know you wanted.  So, you would probably save $92 if you just went to Paper Source and bought a top-of-the-line card.  Like, one with popups and glitter and shit. Extra postage required.  I used that excuse this weekend, and among other things, I purchased a $2.99 birthday card, but also the dopest pair of suede over-the-knee boots with floral embroidery.  I already own one pair of black OTK boots, but I wear them so frequently, I thought it would be beneficial to have a second pair.  Also, they are Kenneth Cole (love their shoes).  Also, they were on sale for $50.  So, a steal.  I linked the boots above, but these are sans embroidery, and sans the deal.  BUT. They are so comfortable, and they look so luxe.

5. Karaoke Room: Have you guys ever karaoked in a private room before?  Me either, before Saturday night.  It’s SO much fun.  I feel like a lot of the pressure is removed from the singing itself (as a staunch non-singer, in that my voice is not melodious), and you are in control of the musical selection.  Highly recommend the experience.  We went to YamaSho on Post St. in SF, and I’d recommend (check out their happy hour pricing—30% off the rooms).

6. Gifting Art: I’ve been doing art for a while, but this is the first piece that has ventured outside my house and into the hands of another person.  It was also the biggest canvas I’d worked on.  My paintings have felt much more personal than any crafts I’ve done before, because they are all a part of me, making it a little more nerve-wracking to give to another being. 

7. Chocolate Explosion Cake (WF):  Purchased for the birthday party that the karaoke room and art gift were also related to….HOLY MOSES.  I WANT THIS CAKE ALL THE TIME.  It is so good, guys.  They are beautiful, and the frosting is so bomb (most important part to me), and did I mention they are beautiful?  Go get one.  Eat it for Thanksgiving.  I’m now realizing that I need to buy one for Thanksgiving, too.

8. E-Squared by Pam Grout:  If you didn’t know I was super into the Law of Attraction…I’m super into the Law of Attraction.  I’ve read quite a few books on manifesting, vibrational frequency of the universe, the power of thought, etc., but I have found Pam’s to be by far the funniest, and the most fun, because each chapter has a fun experiment at the end to help all of the skeptic that lives inside of all of us.  Spoiler alert: All the experiments I have tried have worked in eerie ways.  Remind me to tell you about the week I couldn’t stop manifesting chocolate cake….

9. e-motion on Gaia: I know I watched this Thursday, but it is important for me to mention, because this documentary about the power of our feelings and how to work with them and the energy they produce was so very good.  I recently started a Gaia subby on my Apple TV ($10/month), and the content I have access to is so on-point.  Guru Jagat Kundalini classes, Gay Hendricks relationship coaching, stuff about aliens, stuff about universal consciouness, tons of bizarre documentaries….omg it’s like New Age Netflix and I’m SO DOWN.  I realize I’m not of the normal sphere anymore, but if you are a spiritual soul sister like me, or just interested in dabbling but not that into reading books, I highly suggest you try the seven day free-trial.

10. Murder on the Orient Express: Randy and I went to see this movie, and I thought it was fun! Visually breathtaking, exciting cast of characters,  great costumes…yep, I found lots of positives in the experience.  I haven’t read the book (Randy has), so I wasn’t sure how everything was going to pan out at the end.  I think it would be a fun movie to see multi-generationally (take your moms and grandmas) because it’s an exciting story with minimal gore, and I think a wide range of people could enjoy the film.

That’s it for this weekend, my loves!  What did you love last weekend? Leave me suggestions of what to try in the comments below!
